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Begin your writing journey with pages. Better & Smarter.

Designed for writebot

Collaborate. Create. Innovate.
Vewmet Pages is an AI-powered collaborative online word editor, packed with key features like Plagiarism Report, SEO, Real-time search, productivity tools, pay-per-token model and much more... Gain access to top-tier LLMs. Transform your writing now.

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An Intro to Pages

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The All in One Tool

This cutting-edge editor is designed for everyone. Researchers checking for plagiarism in thier content, bloggers seeking standard SEO checks, teachers preparing course content, lawyers needing precise language and companies of any size to propel quality writings. So why wait sign in for free now.

You save on Average

15 Min of Browsing

Forget the endless clicking and scrolling for web. It's all at your fingertips, fast & free.

Save $50 on premium LLM's

Access all major LLMs without subscribing to each individually, since you have them all consolidated in one.

1hr of distractions

Our distraction-free editing workspace lets you focus on what important with music, colors and your ideas!

Hours of Emptiness

Stuck while writing? Say goodbye to silent breaks lacking ideas. Bring in the writebot as your co-author and unlock your full potential.

Why Pages ? Because everything you need is just stacked inside

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Seriously built for Real-time collaboration

Pricing plans tailored to you

Recharge Wallet - $5
Group Chat with writebot
AI Co-Authoring
multi LLM support
All premium tools
Enterprise Plan
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Basic plans included
Knowledge on your data
Integration with your LLMs
stream any real-time detection

Higher Quality Writings in less time

Ready to elevate your writing? With Pages, it's not just about writing, it's about writing smarter and faster & better. Our user-friendly platform is best of best designed to supercharge your creativity and efficiency. Say goodbye to the old struggles of writing and hello to a seamless, AI-enhanced experience. Don't just take our word for it – sign up now and witness the transformation in your writing journey!

pages people writing together
pages people writing & exporting
pages people writing books

Pages Vs Other word processors

Feature Pages gdocs others
Really Real-time pages is built for real time collaboration upto milli'th second tick icon pages cross icon pages cross icon
Default premium LLM support pages now supports all top-tier multi LLM like openai, groq, ollama, llama, claude and many more icon pages cross icon pages cross icon
Version history by last caret pages the version history is something utlimate that you can detect who written what till last caret or earch letter by letter using its time slider option pages cross icon pages cross icon
Inbuilt Search Engine yes pages has inbuilt search engine upadted till last minute info tick icon pages tick icon pages cross icon
Advanced AI Writing Assistance As it supports multi LLM and writebot that works both in chat as well as editor with plagiarism, seo and many more advanced features are built pages cross icon pages cross icon

VewMet Pages

Pages is being powered and built by vewmet to foster the word processing community and bring people together to seamlessly collaborate create, innovate, craft and transform.

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Location: Near Zila sehkari Bank, Gajraula, UP, India