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Pricing plan

Last modified Date: Aug 2024

Our flexible on-demand AI pricing plan lets you pay per token with our innovative wallet-based system. Unlike traditional subscription models, you only pay for what you use, giving you complete control over your spending. The best part is, these coins never expire.
This cost-effective approach allows you to scale usage as needed, making it perfect for projects of any size. Our user-centric model ensures maximum value, providing unparalleled flexibility and control over your AI investment, making it the superior choice for leveraging advanced AI capabilities.

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Chat Services Plan

Service Total Price (Coins)
Search 20
Ask 0.4
Seo 0.4
Plagiarism 10

LLM Pricing Plan

Family Model Input Price (Coins/1k tokens) Output Price (Coins/1k tokens)
claude claude-instant-1.2 4.02248 12.06744
claude claude-3-sonnet 22.72275 68.16825
claude claude-2.1 40.704 122.112
claude claude-3-opus 78.7125 393.5625
groq llama3-8b-8192 0.2520625 0.504125
groq gemma-7b-it 0.5055 0.5055
groq mixtral-8x7b-32768 1.35405 1.35405
groq llama3-70b-8192 3.014999625 4.03
openai gpt-4o 2.50275 7.50825
openai gpt-3.5-turbo 2.50275 7.50825
openai gpt-4-turbo-preview 51.1 153.3
openai gpt-4 157.425 314.85
openai gpt-4-32k 329.7 659.4

Other Services

Service Coins
Group Maintainance 7500 coins/month
With 10,000 vewmet coins, you can accomplish..
  • 30* to 39673** short stories (750 words).
  • 40* to 49,591** news articles (600 words).
  • 150* to 1,98,365** social media posts.
  • 1865* to 29,768 lesson plans (teachers).
  • 191* to 1,243** legal documents (1500 words).
  • 316* to 29,768** research summaries (1000 words).
  • Upto 250 Plagiarism reports check(1000 words).
  • Upto 20,000 SEO checks each 300 words.
  • Upto 39,673 memos for quick client updates.
  • 500 Real-Time search (750 words result)

* = most advanced model in high quality.
** = cost effective and instant.

Note: Calculations are estimates based on average costs and may vary with actual usage and pricing.

VewMet Pages short note

  • - Coins are deducted from the wallet of Group Admin.
  • - Your purchased coins will never expire.
  • - For contact, support, or issues, we are everywhere for you like Twitter or Instagram.
  • - For enterprises, we offer additional features such as knowledge on custom data usage with no privacy issues, real-time data streaming on any topic from the internet, branding, finetuning and many many more.

🛎️ IMPORTANT: The Groq model is experiencing limit exceed issues due to heavy traffic. We are working to increase the capacity and higher rate limits. We will keep you updated via our websites and social media channels.

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